
Go Trips

Discover your part in God's mission and join a Go Team!

Applications are now open!

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Global Missions Stories


Go Teams Process

1. Pray

More than a serving opportunity, this is a spiritual journey to participate in God’s Great Commission, so it’s worth praying about! Consider, where is God leading you? Has he burdened your heart for a specific cause, people, or demographic?

2. Apply

After you’ve prayerfully considered our GO Team options and feel led to a specific location or ministry, go ahead and apply for that team! To view our trips and apply, click the button below.

3. Acceptance

Once your application is submitted and your two references are filled out, our Mission’s Team will contact you to let you know if you’ve been accepted. Once accepted, you’ll officially be a team member. Congrats!

View Trips I’m Accepted. What’s Next?

Global Ministry Partners

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Uganda Bright Hope

Bright Hope was created in 1968 with the primary mission of providing immediate care to those in crisis situations. It has since evolved to community development through a ministry model that brings hope for today, tomorrow, and eternity through the local church. Bright Hope exists in communities that live on less than $2 a day to help them break out of poverty and find life in Jesus Christ.

Northview has partnered with Bright Hope in Uganda since 2016 and has been honored by the work we’ve joined in. Each year, we offer between three and four teams with focuses such as medical, educational, men’s leadership, family, and marriage.

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Elizabeth, New Jersey City Relief

City Relief, formerly New York City Relief, is a boots on the ground ministry that has been serving those struggling with homelessness in New York City and New Jersey since 1989. Their aim is to provide hope and resources to the homeless community while showing dignity through inviting everyone to the table. Northview has sent GO Teams to serve with City Relief since 2016 and have been so blessed by the partnership. We generally send five teams a year, all of which engage in street ministry. All team participants must be either 18 or older.

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Filter of Hope

God’s love motivates us to help families throughout the world who are struggling with water-borne illnesses and experiencing spiritual darkness. By offering people clean water and the gospel, they experience honor, dignity, and hope. Through our partnership with Filter of Hope, we get to send GO Trips for students, families, Life Groups, and individuals all year long!

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Ghana International Justice Mission

International Justice Mission (IJM) exists for one purpose: to end slavery. Across the world, they are rescuing those in slavery, restoring them to society, bringing criminals to justice and strengthening justice systems. Northview has partnered with IJM in Ghana since 2016, and together we have seen incredible work accomplished. So far, we have seen over 200 boys and girls rescued from the fishing industry on Lake Volta. We do not send teams with IJM due to the nature and security of their work.

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Haiti Nadege International

Nadege International was birthed from a powerful interaction with a Haitian woman named Nadege who was a single mother of three and survivor of sexual abuse. From that conversation, Nadege International set out to build a facility for survivors of sexual abuse where they could receive physical, emotional, and spiritual healing as well as vocational training. Their efforts don’t stop there though. Nadege also partners with local churches to education men and boys on the negative effects of sexual violence and empower them to speak out against injustice. 

Northview was blessed with this partnership in 2019 after a merger with Oakbrook Church. Since then, our focus has been supporting the in-country staff through relationships and monthly training via Zoom. We hope to one day visit their facility! 

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Chambrun, Haiti Nehemiah Vision Ministries

Nehemiah Vision Ministries (NVM) has been serving the community of Chambrun, Haiti since 2004 when Pastor Pierre was burdened for the needs of the community and did not turn away. Since then, NVM has grown into an academy, a healthcare center, and a host for 35-40 missions trips a year. Northview has loved partnering with NVM since 2015 when we first took a vision trip. In a typical year, we send between six and seven GO Teams to NVM. Currently, we send medical, student, educational, English camp, construction, and staff care teams.

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One17 International

One17’s vision is hope through education. Since God gave them a vision to fight for children who lack access to education and the Gospel, they have grown to three campuses, 91 indigenous leaders and 800 students in Haiti and Cambodia. 

Northview was blessed with this partnership in 2019 after a merger with Oakbrook Church. Since then, we have worked to develop a relational partnership with the staff and are excited to be sending a Northview team to Cambodia each year.

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We create innovative Scripture engagement programs specific to cultural contexts and work alongside the global Church to share them with young people.

$1 reaches three children with a relevant presentation of the Gospel – and friends like you help share this life-changing message with them!

Using research findings, each program is contextualized in order to reach children with the Word of God in the most relevant and engaging way. Though the format and delivery methods of programs differ, the message of God’s love remains the same. Explore the various programs and mediums our partners use to reach young people around the world!

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World Vision - Ghana

In 2021, Northview was able to partner with World Vision Ghana through a Chosen Campaign. Through the whole campaign, our church was able to give 2,001 children in Agortime Ziope and 657 children in East Gonja the opportunity to choose one of our Northview families as a sponsor. Through our F1RST Campaign, Northview also committed 1.5 millions dollars to WV Ghana to help start their water and sanitation programs. 

With the combination of F1RST giving and our monthly child sponsors, clean water will be brought to these communities five year sooner than projected. In addition, it has allowed WV to break ground on multiple water systems, bringing clean water to 21,000 people by the end up 2023 compared to 3,000 without the F1RST giving. Northview’s partnership will continue to help these villages with clean water, education, and food insecurity.

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Frequently Asked Questions

A GO Team is a short-term mission's trip with Northview Church. We send between 15 and 20 GO Teams every year to nine different locations around the world. The GO Team experience is about more than just travel. It is our response to Jesus’s call to care for the world and make disciples of all nations.

The quick answer is no! However, it will be important to notice trip focus when you are applying for a team. It will be difficult for an individual to join a medical team who is not a medical professional. 

Our teams spend between six and ten days in-country depending on which team you join. In addition to the travel time, we organize a fellowship dinner for you to meet your team, three required team build meetings to prepare for your trip, and a team debrief upon your return. 

All travel costs are included in the total trip cost. This includes flights, accommodations, meals, and the fun day activity. We recommend bringing extra money for food while traveling in the airports or for any souvenirs or gifts you might want to purchase.

We encourage fundraising for all our trips. This can be the scariest part of a GO Team experience, but we believe it is when many see God do more than they could’ve imagined. There are so many creative ways to raise money for your trip. Here is a document to help you think up some ideas. We are always available to talk through some ideas and help brainstorm your fundraising strategy. Your trip is non-refundable. If you are unable to join the team like you planned, your funds will be saved to be used towards any future GO Team of your choosing. 

The first thing to do is praise God, that is amazing! If you raise more money than you need, the first thing we will do is see if your team is fully funded by the time you travel. If someone has not been able to raise the full amount, your extra funds will go towards their trip. If all team members are fully funded when you travel, then you have two options. Your first option is to save your extra funds and push them towards a future GO Team of your choosing. The second option is you can transfer your funds to someone else who is raising money for a GO Team. 

We offer GO Team experiences for adults, students, and families with children as young as nine. The biggest thing to consider is physical ability. There are certain locations and ministry work that are more demanding and require high amounts of walking. Know yourself and know what is expected before overcommitting yourself!

For more information on GO Team opportunities and the trip process, or for questions regarding our specific ministry partners and their work, contact Katie Crull.

Missions Staff

Katie Chow
Katie Chow
Global Missions Director
Mike Polster
Mike Polster
Missions Pastor
Chelsea Klein
Chelsea Klein
Global Missions Coordinator